The Marvelous House of Ideas


So Here's A Guide To Help You Out

The company that would eventually come to be known as Marvel Comics published its first comic book in 1939. Since then they've gone on to publish thousands of additional titles, create hundreds of unique characters, and establish an entirely fictitious omniverse (multiple universes (yea, it's a thing)). So to say that it can be a little hard to know where to start reading is an understatement. And even once you do get going, navigating your way through all the complexity to chase whatever’s caught your interest can be a chore.

But no more! Here at the Marvelous House of Ideas, I'm attempting to make it easy for you. This site contains thorough, but easily understood, reading guides for all of Marvel Comics. Breakdowns for characters, groups, events, topics, creators; it's all going to be here. Whether you're completely new to comics or just want to look over all the stuff you already love again; this is the place for you.

How Does It Work?

OK, so each reading guide is broken up into story sections which are either great reads, or important ones (even if they're not so good). Inside each section, the issues the story is told in are listed and directly linked to where you can read them on Marvel Unlimited. Issues which are part of the main story for each section are bolded, while related “tie-in” issues are in just plain text. There will also eventually be background info and FAQs added to each section but as those take extra time to research and write, they’re not all present right now.

So yes, you need to be a member of Marvel Unlimited in order to use this website effectively. It's hands down the easiest way to read the majority of Marvel’s stories (although as you’ll see, there are some things missing) and you'll be directly supporting them at the cost of just $10 per month.

Click Here to become a member now!

And no, I don’t get anything for you clicking that link, nor do I have a cool promo code you can use to get a discount; I’m just a true believer in the service.

Now if you’re ready to jump in, I can easily recommend checking out this page of “Characters”. Just click one that looks cool to you, and go from there. Have fun and welcome to the Marvelous House of Ideas!

Wait! Wait! Wait! Why Is Everything A Mess?

If you haven’t noticed by now, this site is very much still in development. Not everything is formatted the same/optimal way (gross, right?), most sections are not fully completed, and there are lots of interesting words and buttons that don’t just led to “Sorry, Not Ready Yet” pages. That’s because this is a one man operation that is done in the shadow of a full-time job. There’s a lot I want to do, but it’s gonna take time. Development will be ongoing for sometime.